Have fun almost every Monday & Friday
See below for more info, & Sign up on your parent portal! Space will be limited:)
Click here to see all camps policies and procedures

Sign Up through your parent portal or click the flier or link at the top of the page
Please Note: Once you have paid, there are no refunds or credits for any reason. Camp transfers only will be considered due to emergencies.
Almost every Monday & Friday from 9:00a-2:00p, beginning September 6th, we will open our gym to ages 3+ for tons of fun on our gymnastics, ninja, and trampoline equipment. We have a 28k square foot facility, so there is plenty of space to explore and play. Each day campers will open the day with a song or "ice breaker" activity/game to get to know one another and start the day. We will have structured play and games on our equipment until lunch time. After lunch, we will head out to our equipment again for sports games and physical education, and some days we will have craft time.
You can sign up for full days or half days, and you can sign up for any day you wish. There is no commitment for each week or each month. Sign up for as many or as little as you wish.
Click below on each month to see a full calendar of gym events, including our Littles Fun Camp dates.
We will not offer Littles Fun Camp on dates we have gym wide "Schools Out Camps," your child may attend those camps as well if they are age appropriate.
Click the button below to see all Littles Fun Camp Policies